There are six basic types of POLFormer. Each has its designed functionalities for different conditions and applications:

Polage Infravest POLFomer Filter Point Type

Filter Point Type

Provides filter points to reduce extra water pressure beneath the geotextile formwork, in order to improve structural stability for surface protection.

Polage Infravest POLFomer Vegetation Type

Vegetation Type

Provides surface protection to against erosion and at the same time enables vegetation growth in the system for a better appearance.

Polage Infravest POLFomer PipeType

Pipe Type

Provides strip filters and space to form long tubular structure with cement mortar; remarkable performance in reducing the water pressure caused by wave.

Polage Infravest POLFomer L Type


Provides a 2500 cm² coverage of bank protection units; each unit remains functional even if the connections among them are damaged by extreme external force; connections can be reinforced by steel bar or cable.

Polage Infravest POLFomer T Type


Provides a 5000 cm² coverage of bank protection units (larger than the L-Type) for application in special or extreme conditions; the overall stability can further be enhanced by reinforcement whenever necessary.

Polage Infravest POLFomer Uniform Section Type

Uniform Section Type

Provides a continuous protective layer with uniform thickness in the range of 20 to 50 cm; can prevent leaching and cause less hydraulic resistance than other types.


Polage Infravest POLFormer 1
Polage Infravest POLFormer 2
Polage Infravest POLFormer 3

POLFormer can be applied to the following for erosion control and surface protection:

Coastal Protection.

Dyke Armor Layer.

Breakwater Armor Layer.

Submarine pipeline protection.

River and Channel Protection.

River Bed/Canal Lining.

Riverbank Surface.

Pier/Abutment protection.

Slope Protection.

Side slope.

Collapsed slope.

Embankment slope.

Why POLFormer?

Key Features

  • Easy Installation
  • Low environmental impact.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Non removal of formwork.
  • Applicable in various landform.

Key Benefits

  • Light weight and flexible formwork
  • Stable structural system.
  • High strength and durable material.